Using CitSci Forum Tools

What are CitSci Forums? All projects created in CitSci have a Forum tab. The Forum tab was designed as a threaded, structured discussion tool that participants and project managers can use to communicate about their project within the CitSci platform. You can use your project forum to ask questions, post cool photos, generate discussion and

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Student Spotlight: Do what you can, where you are

Meghan Petersen is a graduate student at Colorado State University, motivated by the interconnection of health and the environment, something she’s experienced first-hand. Signing up for a graduate course in Public Communications led Meghan to a project with CitSci and Leave No Trace where she learned about the many possibilities public science projects can offer.

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Student Spotlight: Conservation planning and citizen science

Sean Geer is a second-career undergraduate student at Colorado State University, studying Human Dimensions of Natural Resources. Before becoming an intern with CitSci, Sean hadn’t ever heard of public science or citizen science. Sean’s work with our team was mutually beneficial. His past professional experience meant he was confident enough to dive into more challenging

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Become a Volunteer Distributed Developer with CitSci

At CitSci, we don’t just support citizen science projects, we are a citizen science project. The platform, website, apps and communications you get from CitSci have all been created by a combination of paid professionals and a network of amazing volunteers. After all – we love volunteers and know you do as well! As we’ve

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CitSci FAQs and Common Questions

Can I enter location coordinates that are not in decimal degrees? The CitSci website and mobile apps only accept coordinates in decimal degrees at this time. Check out this online converter for an easy way to convert your coordinates into decimal degrees. Can you system extract location and time stamp information from a photo? It

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Using Project Manager Tools on CitSci

As a project manager, you can edit your CitSci projects and manage the members, contributions and participation in these projects. As a project manager, you can also analyze data and download it for other purposes. In this tutorial, we will navigate the tools available to project managers and how to use them.  STEP 1: Finding

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Crowdsource Images with CitSci, Analyze them with the Zooniverse

COVER PHOTO: Image by Image by Albrecht Fietz from Pixabay Imagine for a moment that you want to study the link between air quality and the properties of rainbows around the world. You decide you want to leverage the power of citizen science and crowdsourcing to ask people to take pictures of the rainbows they

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How to create and edit a project profile on CitSci

As a project manager, you can edit your CitSci projects and manage the members, contributions and participation in these projects. In this tutorial, we will navigate the tools available to project managers and discuss how to use them.  STEP 1: Create a Project First, create a new project on CitSci! Go to On the

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Download the CitSci mobile app for iOS and Android

When collecting data for your citizen science projects, flexibility is key. Sometimes you need a paper datasheet and sometimes you need a mobile app. With CitSci, you and your team can do both. And you don’t have to spend thousands of dollars and loads of time to create a custom mobile app – you can

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